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In 1990 the State of Florida banned logging within 1,000 feet of the Suwannee River so Southeast Timberlands sold off it's holdings and we were lucky enough to purchase 6 acres and 444 feet of riverfront. A designated "Pristine Scenic Waterway" with very steep banks, the Suwannee is one of the few "wild" rivers left in the United States and can rise over 30 feet to flood stage almost overnight; yet due to its unique topography we can access it no matter how high or low the water.   The Forest Service has bought up the surrounding lots, creating a ten-mile Conservation corridor supporting the National Scenic Florida Trail, it's clearly marked footpaths and natural attractions.


To that end, we have left the old growth upland forest the way we found it.  The campsite is a natural feature as is the Zen deck and canoe launch,  a swale draining the ridge.  The campsite is level, the lane to the river slopes gently dropping in elevation 20 feet over 1,000 in making it easy for guests to navigate their way to the white sugar sand beach.  

We want to share our retreat with those who are looking for a real wilderness experience in an exclusive private setting.  A Waiver of Liability is required by all guests as the Wilderness is an inherently dangerous place.  We only offer one accommodation per weekend with a maximum of 6 people so our guests can have the seclusion they desire and be free to enjoy the natural wonder of the woodland experience in any manner they choose.  


Our Suwannee River Retreat is an old-growth upland sand hill forest with a wide variety of flora and fauna. We have White, Red, Scrub, Live and Water oaks dripping with Spanish Moss, LongLeaf and Loblolly Pine, Magnolia, Mimosa, Persimmon, Birch, Beech, Hickory and Sweet Gum to name a few.  The woods are alive with birds from resident cardinals, woodpeckers and wild turkeys to transient hummingbirds and songbirds along with birds of prey like red-tailed hawks, owls and osprey's.  Fauna abound; deer, raccoons, armadillos, opossum, fox, rabbits, gopher turtles and the occasional coyote, mice, squirrels and other ground dwelling critters.  The air is alive with insects, (although fewer from November through May) both flying and crawling, so be sure to wear your DEET repellant, tuck your pants into your socks and wear long sleeves when possible to avoid getting bitten or stung.  Stay on the marked paths and you won't have any trouble; start hiking through the tall grass and brush and you risk chiggers and ticks.  There are both venomous and non-venomous snakes living in the woods - they don't want to eat or attack you, so watch where you step, leave them alone and they will leave you alone.    

projectile flinging
Private BBQ Area
& Fire Pit

I wanted something outside of my comfort zone...but not too far outside and this was just right.

We loved spending the 4th of July enjoying the constant parade of canoes and rafts while sipping a beer on the Zen deck. 

A hot water shower takes the rough out of roughing it.

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